ORCID: 0000-0002-9706-3272
Research ID: C-1493-2015
Scopus ID: 7102318803

Javier Blasco

Senior Researcher at the CSIC. Javier Blasco received his PhD in Chemistry at the University of Zaragoza in 1993.

He joined the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (predecessor of the current INMA) as tenured scientist in 1999 and since 2009 as a senior researcher. He is the author of 249 indexed scientific articles and 2 book chapters. He has participated in 20 research projects, 4 of them as manager. He has contributed in more than 200 communications to scientific conferences and has directed 2 doctoral theses to date.

From the beginning of my scientific career I was aware of the close correlation that existed between the properties of a material and structural details, whether crystal, magnetic or local environment. This has led me to carry out multidisciplinary research where the main purpose is focused on the correlation between macroscopic properties and the structure of materials. Structural differences are strongly related to the synthesis methods. Reproducible sample preparation is one of my main activities including single crystal growth by floating zone. The synthesis requires a high quality characterization and I have specialized in various structural characterization techniques that can be divided into diffraction and absorption spectroscopic techniques using both laboratory instruments and large international facilities (synchrotrons and neutron sources). My expertise has allow me to collaborate with international and national groups in disciplines as varied as homogeneous catalysis, soil studies, coordination compounds or alloys that have enriched my vision and increased my experience. However, my research lines are mainly focused in the field of strongly correlated transition metal oxides. I started with the study of high critical temperature superconductors in cuprates and metal-insulator transitions in nickelates. Next, I focused on systems with coupled magnetic and electrical transitions that exhibited giant magnetoresistance, such as different types of manganites and double perovskites. The complex interplay between structure, spin, charge and orbital degrees of freedom led me to thorough studies of exotic ordering phenomena in these and related systems (ferrites, magnetite) whose properties are very interesting for advanced electronics. Recently, my interest has also gone into the study of new materials for solid-state refrigeration that allow the replacement of current refrigeration technology by a more sustainable and environmental friendly system.