ORCID: 0000-0003-1165-0087
Researcher ID: L-5226-2014
Scopus Author ID: 6506238334
Office: 1227

Luis Miguel García Vinuesa

Full Professor at the Faculty of Science (University of Zaragoza) since 2017. PhD in Condensed Matter Physics in 1994 at ICMA.

After finishing my degree in Physics at the University of Zaragoza, I began my PhD (FPI scholarship holder) at the Institute of Materials Science of Aragon (ICMA) researching magnetic and structural properties of permanent magnets within the framework of a concerted European action (CEAM ) under the direction of Professor Juan Bartolomé. At that time, I was introduced to the use of large scientific facilities (neutron sources and synchrotron radiation) for the study of structural and electronic properties of materials. I did research stays in Grenoble (ILL), Saclay and Tsukuka. At the end of the doctorate, I did a postdoctoral stay at the L. Néel Laboratory of Magnetism (CNRS) in Grenoble, carrying out numerous synchrotron experiments at the ESRF.

In the late 1990s, back in Zaragoza, I started working on nanomagnetism. On the one hand, we opened a line of work for the study of self-organized cobalt magnetic nanoparticle multilayers. On the other hand, we started a line of work on the study of nanometric periodic networks of holes made on magnetic layers. We have recently extended these properties to the study of ratchet phenomena in magnetism). Some of my latest works are related to the study of Pt13 aggregates, the magnetism of Au nanoparticles and the study of layers of Fe-Phthalocyanine molecules.

We were pioneers in Spain in the use of X-ray circular magnetic dichroism (XMCD) for the study of magnetic properties of materials and since then we have not stopped being users of this technique and other more advanced ones (XPEEM, XRMS, RIXS...) in various synchrotrons (Berkeley, Spring8-Japan, Berlin, Saclay, Lund…). In addition to being a user of large installations, I am familiar with new nanolithography and muon techniques.